The ministry exists solely as a result of the Power of the Holy Spirit and is called to function in a manner which brings Glory to the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

About Our Anchor Ministries

The primary purpose of Our Anchor Ministries (OAM), Inc. is to facilitate the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through direct, on-site, face-to-face communication with the lost; indirect propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through financial support of other mission-related groups and activities; or through the publication and sale of Christian literature. The ministry shall also, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, exhort members of the Body of Christ to holiness and purity. The ministry exists solely as a result of the Power of the Holy Spirit and is called to function in a manner which brings Glory to the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

OAM is a not-for-profit corporation, which the Internal Revenue Service designated as a 501(c)(3) charity. OAM is governed by a Board of Directors that sets the polices of the corporation consistent with OAM’s bylaws. The board may approve grant requests from Christian organizations that request funding assistance for mission and/or evangelism projects intended to extend the Lord’s kingdom. See our Grants page for more information.

We lovingly and humbly request that you support Our Anchor Ministries, Inc. missional endeavors. Click here for more information on how you can support OAM.